The morning sickness was still sticking around but still easing again, some days I felt great then the next was like it was all over again! I keep thinking that I will be having this morning sickness throughout the whole pregnancy, at leastif it stopped it would be a big bonus. The only trouble now compared to at the start of the pregnancy I had a bump that was beginning to give me grief if I was vomiting. I just hoped that it would stop soon...
As with all the other scans I always got quite nervous in the morning, thinking what if something isnt going so well or one of them is quite a bit smaller... I'm growing 3 babies I just want them all to be safe and healthy. I had felt my first movements the acutal first one was at work when I was talking to Tamika (room assistant) and then all of a sudden I screamed... She panicked and quickly responded with what's wrong.. "Something moved... Inside me"!!! I know it sounds silly but I didnt no what to expect and when to expect it so it could me by complete surprise.. She was laughing, its one of your babies kicking :)
Lying down in the sonographer room I was excited, overwhelmed and most of all nervous for the sake of the babies. As we are a little bit special we had some students in to watch the scan, it is always good as they go into lots of detail about what is going on and I feel like we get more information, as the warm gel got put on my belly I turned at said we would like to find out sexes if we can :) She said she would see what she could do but would let us no.... EEEEK!!! Within moments we would find out.. The first thing they check is to make sure that there is 3 beating hearts and that always makes me feel at ease knowing my babies are alive and kicking :) After a couple of moments, she said Baby B has crossed legs and not budging although Baby A is a GIRL!!!! and Baby C is a BOY!!!! I looked at Kane at said you got your wee man :) he was over the moon and still could hardly believe it! He said are you sure, look at the screen and you can see his wee man parts :) I thought he might yell out but he was well behaved. I was just over the moon, A girl and A boy one of each!!! I thought that day I was so so lucky and let the shopping begin! As they contiuned on with their measurments in the end said how happy all babies are growing well and appear to have to abnormalities. We then had a professor come in and chat with us (who was world renowned for specialising in multiple births).. Of course they have to deliever the cold hard facts which we were kind of used to but when he suggested a decreasement (selective abortion where they would take out one of my perfectly healthy babies!) He went on to add that triplet pregnancies can put a lot of stress and risk for a mother and could cause problems for the babies. Both Kane and I were quick to say "NO!!!" as we couldnt think of anything worst than losing one of our precious gifts! I felt really annoyed actually I knew that he was doing his job but I would never make that decision especially after being told I was doing really well and the babies were growing well! They talked about C-section being done at week 34 if I make it that long and after around 22 weeks have to start taking it easy. I was so eager to let people know and wait for the weekend where we would be able to start buying for both a girl and a boy.
Kane's voice.... "I had been waiting for week 16 for ages as we had been looking on the internet seeing when you could find out the sexes an most stories said from week 16 you the chances were high , week 16 had started with my brother being put into hospital with a leg infection so some of my focus was on how he was doing also so that was taking my mind off he scan . I had been thinking for a while now that we were having 3 girls (we both wanted two boys one girl) which I was hoping wouldnt be the case as my mates would give me a hard time (benji smaill lol) and I could only imagine the teenage years lol . But at the end of the day I wouldn't have minded as long as they were healthy. So sitting in the scan in anticipation and first of all get told there is still 3 heartbeats so thats a relief. The lady tells us the first one is a girl which is cool to hear but that means only two more chances for a boy , then the next one a BOY i had to check with her a couple of times to make sure but man I couldnt stop grinning . The last one was a suprise as it had its legs crossed which didnt worry us as we knew we had one of each . When I got out to the carpark I screamed with joy about having a boy and just about made Ange crap herself with the fright everyone in the carpark looked at me but I didnt care I was on a high. I couldn't wait to call Mum and tell her, when I rung mum she was crying and I knew straight away something was wrong and she put my brothers girlfriend (Sharnae) on the phone and she told me Ben had taken a turn for the worse in his operation to sew his leg back up and was in intensive care, my high turned into a massive low and all I could think about was him being alright I dont even remember the rest of the drive home as I was in shock . I spent the next few hours looking at flights and sorting my passport as I thought I was going to have to fly back to nz to make sure he was going to recover . I think I spent a couple of hours just walking round with my phone waiting for a call to let me know he was alright. Its not a great position to be in when you are a plane flight away from being able to see someone that is not well and then on the other hand not wanting to leave Ange in aussie who by now is looking quite pregnant and she cant fly. There was no talk of the babies or the scan until I got a phone call to say ben was improving it was a big relief and now I could have some time to think about he fact I was going to be a dad to a little girl and a boy in the coming months . I couldn't wait to go shopping for some gears for them that weekend...."
Going shopping was so so much fun! We both really enjoyed spoiling our three babies, we knew that the surprise was either a boy or girl so the stuff we brought were for all of them. DFO was a great way to get lots of quality gears at great prices!
Photo's included this week bump progress photo, scan photo of Baby A, B & C, and the new shoes we got the boy and girl babies :) the surprise would have to wait however until they beared their goods!
Our cheeky wee surprise!!!
Our baby BOY!!!!
Our baby GIRL!!!
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