As my morning sickness was still going strong, I wasnt. I really was starting to struggle with work and being so sick all of the time. I was asking everybody who I knew that got bad morning sickness if anything worked for them, I tried ginger nuts, the natural morning sickness tablets and i knew deep down it was just a phase and soon it would pass. By this stage I had been experiencing morning sickness for about a month and my body was barely coping. Bile, liquids and foods were brought up daily and I was now having to look healthy at work and pretend my constant trips to the toilet were not because I was vomiting. Then one of the girls questioned my regular visits "Are you pregnant Ange?" "No way, just a weak bladder." Not sure if it was believed or not but didnt take long for another couple to ask if I was ok and was I sick because I didnt look to well.
Kane and I wanted to keep everything under wraps until at least 12 weeks as we knew once it was out that would be it, but i knew it wouldnt take long for the girls and work to put one and one together and the rumours would start, so at 9 1/2 weeks I annouced to my workmates that Kane and I were expecting Triplets. There responses were amazing and they were all so supportive. It was actually nice being able to talk freely about it at work but still decided to keep it from my parents and the children i look after.
We knew with having one baby is an expense but 3!! So Kane being Kane, knew we must get sorted and so we headed to the baby shop to price up some gears. We decided we would go with bassinetts as I looked into co-sleeping although i didnt like the SIDS rates and perferred to go with the safer option. The ladies were very surprised and exciting to hear we would be having three babies and helped us out straight away. We both agreed on the bassinett we got just a plain white one x3. And the next task was car seats, they recommended a couple of models but after Kane measured up our back seat I think it was down to just one. So we went with that and laybyed them all to start getting sorted.
Pregnancy Symptoms - ALL DAY SICKNESS, felt like I never got a break :( My face broke out with a face full of pimples.
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