Monday, 20 May 2013

NZ and back to reality - Week 8

My time in NZ was special, I got to say my final goodbyes to Oma, and catch up with my extended family. My family also nicknamed me McSpewie while I was there due to my constant vomiting!! All my family were overwhelmed with out news and in the evenings could even see the start of my growing belly. The week went fast and it was time to head home, I was eager to get back to see Kane, but also dreading how I was going to manage work with my morning sickness becoming ALL DAY sickness.

We also had a scan when I got back to check to see if I was still carrying three babies, I went alone to this scan and I was just as nervous as the first. I could see as soon as the scan started that there was still three beating hearts. I felt a huge sense of relief. Kane eagerly waiting for my call after the scan as I told him the good news we were still carrying three babies.

As week 8 was coming to an end I kept telling meself they say after 12eeks the vomiting will ease... I was on the countdown. Poor Kane really had to step up at home which he did without hesitating, apart from work my life was in the bathroom. Once I was home from NZ Kane had to take on all the cleaning, washing and cooking of dinner as once I had survived the day at work I was home to bed to stop moving to try and ease the effects of morning sickness.

Bump update week 8 -
Pregnancy Symptoms - Morning sickness and it was only getting worst vomiting on average 3 times per day and had bearly any appetite espeically in the evenings.

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