This has felt like the longest two weeks in my life!!! From finding out to our first scan, the time has come that we get to see our little peanut growing. At my previous doc appt my blood tests had came back that my HCG levels were higher than the dates I had given... My instant reaction (not knowing stuff all about it) YAH im further along ... How wrong was I?
That weekend after going out for tea getting a little ahead of ourselves we talked about names for our little baby, I said to Kane I just have a funny feeling i'm having twins as i could only think of two names together (must have been my materal instinct kicking in)
Both Kane and I were also very nervous walking into the room with the scanner machine.. So many thoughts were running through my head and Im sure they were for Kane. I had to have an internal ultrasound done as I was in early days, feeling a little uncomfortable I lay there and nervous Kane beside me.
Kane's first thoughts - "I knew something was up straight away cos we had been looking at scans of twins in the pregnancy book and my heart starting racing when we could see clearly two baby's heart beats".
I could see it there on the screen, my baby's beating heart!! and another one right beside!! SHIT i was thinking I was right Twins how the heck am I am going to deal with this one.. Meanwhile I am still looking and notice the doctor trying to move it all around. I had no idea I could see two heart beats in little sacs and then something moving in the background. It wasnt until he looked at both Kane and I and held up 3 fingers!!!!
3? I said... "Yip you have three beating hearts all appear to be growing at the same rate.. TRIPLETS!!!!!!!!!!! "Fuck" I said, "Fuck" said Kane and then the doctor turned around and said "Yea fuck is about the only word for it".
The drive home was far from expected.... I didnt no whether to laugh or cry, let alone anything about triplets. Kane and I were completed shocked and i dont think the shock left for about the next 2 weeks.
That night we decided it was time to let both of our parents know the news, as we set up the skype we sat on the couch looking down at the photo of our scan thinking how the fuck do we tell them its triplets. As we were talking to kane's mum and dad first we couldnt think of the words to say so I held up the scan photo and kane's mum Jackie said straight away, who's having triplets? We looked at each other and quietly annoucned that we were. Next skype call was to my parents and i dont think ive ever felt so nervous, my sister Mel answered the call, why use ringing. My voice prob shaky as ever explained that we had some news and for mum and dad to come in close. I hear Dad in the background yell "you're pregnant? arent ya" I said Dad get a whisky and come to the screen as they are all looking at Kane and I, I nervously show the photo of our scan. Mel says that looks like scan but its different to my ones. I said there is no easy way to say this but 'we're having triplets'!!
This is the scan photo we first got of our triplets...
Pregnancy symptoms - Back pain, sore boobs, and vomiting & nausea ...
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