Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Visitor Time - Week 21

This was the week we had been waiting for, for what seemed ages although with time moving so swiftly it came around before we knew it. Not pregnancy related but we were getting visitors!! Kane's parents (Jackie and Maurice) were arriving for a long weekend to spend with us. The trip was planned well before finding out we were pregnant although seemed so exciting to be able to see them and spend some time during the pregnancy. Being away from all our family has been a lot harder since being pregnant especailly with the morning sickness I was experiencing all I wanted sometimes was to be back at home and Mum cooking me dinner. Kane had planned a well thought out itineray including a trip to underwater world, gold class at the movies, staying on the gold coast, maurice had a birthday surprise of driving a V8 car, Jackie and I to do some shopping and dracula's!! For most of the pregnancy our weekends included gathering supplies or spending time at home watching movies we hadnt really been far so we were both looking forward to getting out and doing some fun things. With my constant back pain Kane was a little worried as to how I would manage the big days although I assured him I would be fine, he asked me several time if I needed a wheelchair and of course I said NO WAY, I knew that I would cope well at the least I hoped that I could.

Day 1 we were up ready to go to underwater world, I had to take some pain killers as my hips were a bit sore and I didnt want it to affect the day. Once I had done this I came right. We had so much fun here looking at all the animals and the highlight was definitly the seal show all of couldnt believe how clever they were. That night we told Jackie and Maurice that we were heading out to dinner, little did they know there was twist dinner was to served during watching Hangover 3 at the movies (gold class)!! To have the comfort of being in a arm chair and getting dinner and desert served to you while watching a great movie you really cant beat it.
The next day we headed up the coast to do some shopping at harbour town while Maurice did his drive .. Got some awesome buys mostly for the babies of course I think that they are a little spoilt!! Especially Kane getting all of the basketball gears and latest shoes for the kids. We got to our motel and checked in, we were in the penthouse (top floor) and it was lovely! Massive rooms and a great view! We were also only a block away from Dracuala's which would be great for getting there. Kane again was worried about me walking the short distance but I assured him again that I would be fine :) I was dealing with a little bit of pain but thought once we got there it would be ok. Waiting in the line to get in for over 30 mins was the killer I felt like my legs and feet could drop off! Once we were in and seated we had great seats I was very happy and thought it would be better sitting. The show was great and time went fast but around half way through I was really starting to struggle with the pain, my feet and ankles had swollen up and I was generally ready to go but I made it to the end and after the short walk home and lying down felt so much better! We hadnt planned to much for the next day and was a chance to relax and put my feet up a little bit.
The whole trip was so memoriable had lots of laughs and some great experiences to remember, we were very sad to see them go but we knew that was just part of living away.

I had pretty much tackled the morning sickness I had started to ween myself of the antinausea and this week was successful, the first time wasnt so much as the vomiting returned. But I was glad that my habit of taking the pills was over for the most part. I was still vomiting approx once a week but didnt need any tablets to get me by.

Another special moment for myself and Kane was that he finally got to feel one of the babies having a kick around, I had felt them for a few weeks now and Kane had been trying but they are all very cheeky. Tonight they were going for gold and Kane got to experience it with me :)

Photos this week: bump progress photo and some snaps from the weekend

 Myself, Kane & Maurice at Redcliffe
 Maurice, Jackie and Kane at Underwater World
 Jackie and myself at Gold Class relaxing
View from the balcony of our motel in the Gold Coast

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