Thursday, 27 June 2013

Enjoying being home - Week 23

Spending time back at home has been better than ever I was getting nervous about the next scan which was on Thurs and I would be attending on my own as Kane has had lots of time of work lately. I was resting lots and trying to remain positive.

The morning of Thursday came around and I was excited to see my little bubbas and how much they had grown, with the babies growing it is harder to see all of the babies but as they check the measurements they let me know that they were all healthy. Baby A girl was around 640g, Baby B girl around 620g and Baby C boy was around 670g so the dcotors were very very happy with their size and hoped that they would continue to grow.
The next part of the scan was to check my cervix, always makes me a little nervous as I had heard stories of it shortening to much and then you come into difficulties. As soon as they were measuring it I knew something was not quite right. They checked my notes to see what is was measuring last time and confirmed for me that it had shortened and started to funnel (this bascially means the pressure of carrying 3 babies on it is causing it to shorten which can mean labour is soon) it had gone from around the 4.5cm mark to 2.0cm mark. They asked when i was seeing the obsetrician next and that they would need to check it in a week to see if there was any changes. They also said that it was possible I would be admitted in the next few weeks for close observation. I rang Kane and he was happy about the babies but concerned about my shortened cervix, I was told bed rest at all times to ensure it would stay like that.

The next morning I headed in to the hospital again to have my appointment with the doctors, it started well and they were so happy with the babies growth!! (Glad to see we can breed 3 wee fattys). Next he looked at my cervix details and said he needed to consult with other doctors for their point of view. At this point I was a little concerned about what might happen but was trying to remain positive. When he got back he said the words I was not ready to here!! "Your getting admitted now, im sending you up to the maternity ward". I had to fight back the tears instantly. I said "right now?" All the thoughts were rushing through my mind, I had to go home I wasnt organised there was so much that needed sorting.. However it was beyond my control and I had no options. I got out of the room and they were organising my transfer, I called Kane crying. He was worried, I said that I was being admitted due to the fact I was at a high risk of labouring at any point. They told me I was to given steriods and progesterone to help with things. I couldnt stop crying. Was it something I had done, did I work to long?, did I not rest enough... I was 2 days of being 24 weeks and knew I was close to being viable but I really did not want these babies to come that early!!

I called my Mum and was still really upset and told her the news also. I just could not stop crying, I told Kane not to rush in because I knew he had lots of work to do and he had already taken time off last weekend when I was admitted. Around 3pm I was brought up to the ward which was potentially my new home for the next few weeks. I got my first steriod injection which wasnt to bad and doctors came to talk to me again. Just explained with triplets the risk is to high and with my shortened cervix I need to be on close mointoring.

Kane arrived soon and he had brought me a few things for me to settle in with, a blanket, choc, fruit and a few other things. He stayed with me til around 8 and then said he would return in the morning with a few more of my belongings.
I was still in shock trying to take it all in, i was feeling really really down about everything but I knew it was the best place for me to be in.

Saturday morning I woke, and remembered where I was. I was instantly upset and down about being in here. I still could not stop thinking about being at home and with Kane. I was eagerly waiting for him to arrive, he had told me that he had to stop in at chermside to pick up a baby change table and get me a few pairs of PJs (I was outgrowing all of mine :( ).. When he finally arrived he came in with a huge smile, I wondered why he was so happy, then not far behind him was my Mum, I couldnt believe it!! At first I wondered if I was back in dunedin or if I was dreaming then they explained Mum had booked tickets after takling to me yesterday and flew out that night. I was so so happy to see Mum, and it instantly cheered me up. Also Kane thought he was very clever keeping it a secret from me. Mum had booked to stay for just over a week and help me adjust to my new home inside. We just spent the day talking in my room, and before I knew it, it was time for them to go home. I always get a bit sad when people leave but I knew that they would be back tomorrow..

Also making little goals which the next one is 24 weeks ... Bring on tomorrow :)

(Sorry as I am updating at the hospital I still havent worked out how to post photos will try add photos at a later date)

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