Thursday, 27 June 2013

Adjusting to my new home - Week 24

The first real big goal we have made, the doctors have always said this is our first important goal as now the babies are viable and can be saved if I go into labour or anything else was to occur. I was still coming to terms with being in hospital and I was always asking the doctors if there was a chance i could get home. Kane had made it very clear he would rather me be in here with him away from work til 6 every night I would be on my own a majoirty of the time. The doctors said that I had to wait til thursday to see what happens in the ultrasound.

The days went pretty fast actually and I was suprised how many doctors and that came to see me. I was happy that Mum was still here as that made the days so much faster. At this stage the doctors said every day counts so I was just hoping like crazy these babies were not in any kind of rush to come.

I had to still get lots of tests done on my heart as it was giving me a few complications breathing and racing. I was planned for the halter mointor which was going to be attached for 24 hours and show them my rythms the whole time. Some days I felt really good and walking was easy. Other days walking down to the cafe was to much and would get really dizzy, I was hoping I was going to be ok because being stuck on the ward to long gets a bit painful.

Kane visits me every night after he finishes work and stays til around 8pm with Mum, (he is also very lucky at the moment as my Mum has been cooking them dinner before she comes into see me). In my room sometimes there are one or two other ladies, but one night I had 3 new mums and 3 newborns.. it was more than frustrating trying to sleep with all this going on. I think that night I got around 3-4 hours and felt miserable all day. Later that night I had had enough and I burst into tears telling Kane and Mum that all I wanted was to be home. Mum brought me in some ear plugs and a face mask the next day to help with the sleeping and I was crossing my fingers I would get a decent night sleep.

My doctor informed me that my iron levels were still to low, even with taking the tablets it was not abosrbing so they were looking into an iron infusion. (This is pretty much just getting pumped with liquid iron through a drip and its a once of treatment). On thursday morning I had my scan to recheck my cervix, I was so nervous!!
Mum came along with me, first they check babies quickly still 3 strong beating hearts :) then to my cervix, i had only lost a 1mm so was on 1.9cm .. they were very happy with this and said it has stabulized. I got back and not long after they confirmed that I would get the iron infusion and off I was to the birthing suite room to get it done. 8 hours it took, was ok just a little uncomfortable.

Almost getting to 25 weeks the next goal, Mum leaves on Sunday which will be sad but having my sister Alanah arrive on Tuesday for a couple of weeks :)

Enjoying being home - Week 23

Spending time back at home has been better than ever I was getting nervous about the next scan which was on Thurs and I would be attending on my own as Kane has had lots of time of work lately. I was resting lots and trying to remain positive.

The morning of Thursday came around and I was excited to see my little bubbas and how much they had grown, with the babies growing it is harder to see all of the babies but as they check the measurements they let me know that they were all healthy. Baby A girl was around 640g, Baby B girl around 620g and Baby C boy was around 670g so the dcotors were very very happy with their size and hoped that they would continue to grow.
The next part of the scan was to check my cervix, always makes me a little nervous as I had heard stories of it shortening to much and then you come into difficulties. As soon as they were measuring it I knew something was not quite right. They checked my notes to see what is was measuring last time and confirmed for me that it had shortened and started to funnel (this bascially means the pressure of carrying 3 babies on it is causing it to shorten which can mean labour is soon) it had gone from around the 4.5cm mark to 2.0cm mark. They asked when i was seeing the obsetrician next and that they would need to check it in a week to see if there was any changes. They also said that it was possible I would be admitted in the next few weeks for close observation. I rang Kane and he was happy about the babies but concerned about my shortened cervix, I was told bed rest at all times to ensure it would stay like that.

The next morning I headed in to the hospital again to have my appointment with the doctors, it started well and they were so happy with the babies growth!! (Glad to see we can breed 3 wee fattys). Next he looked at my cervix details and said he needed to consult with other doctors for their point of view. At this point I was a little concerned about what might happen but was trying to remain positive. When he got back he said the words I was not ready to here!! "Your getting admitted now, im sending you up to the maternity ward". I had to fight back the tears instantly. I said "right now?" All the thoughts were rushing through my mind, I had to go home I wasnt organised there was so much that needed sorting.. However it was beyond my control and I had no options. I got out of the room and they were organising my transfer, I called Kane crying. He was worried, I said that I was being admitted due to the fact I was at a high risk of labouring at any point. They told me I was to given steriods and progesterone to help with things. I couldnt stop crying. Was it something I had done, did I work to long?, did I not rest enough... I was 2 days of being 24 weeks and knew I was close to being viable but I really did not want these babies to come that early!!

I called my Mum and was still really upset and told her the news also. I just could not stop crying, I told Kane not to rush in because I knew he had lots of work to do and he had already taken time off last weekend when I was admitted. Around 3pm I was brought up to the ward which was potentially my new home for the next few weeks. I got my first steriod injection which wasnt to bad and doctors came to talk to me again. Just explained with triplets the risk is to high and with my shortened cervix I need to be on close mointoring.

Kane arrived soon and he had brought me a few things for me to settle in with, a blanket, choc, fruit and a few other things. He stayed with me til around 8 and then said he would return in the morning with a few more of my belongings.
I was still in shock trying to take it all in, i was feeling really really down about everything but I knew it was the best place for me to be in.

Saturday morning I woke, and remembered where I was. I was instantly upset and down about being in here. I still could not stop thinking about being at home and with Kane. I was eagerly waiting for him to arrive, he had told me that he had to stop in at chermside to pick up a baby change table and get me a few pairs of PJs (I was outgrowing all of mine :( ).. When he finally arrived he came in with a huge smile, I wondered why he was so happy, then not far behind him was my Mum, I couldnt believe it!! At first I wondered if I was back in dunedin or if I was dreaming then they explained Mum had booked tickets after takling to me yesterday and flew out that night. I was so so happy to see Mum, and it instantly cheered me up. Also Kane thought he was very clever keeping it a secret from me. Mum had booked to stay for just over a week and help me adjust to my new home inside. We just spent the day talking in my room, and before I knew it, it was time for them to go home. I always get a bit sad when people leave but I knew that they would be back tomorrow..

Also making little goals which the next one is 24 weeks ... Bring on tomorrow :)

(Sorry as I am updating at the hospital I still havent worked out how to post photos will try add photos at a later date)

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Unexpected News - Week 22/23

As you will all be aware I had a fall on Tuesday and was put on bed rest til Friday and to see how things were going. My doc certificate had ran out so I was to be going back to work on Monday, just to be safe I booked into the docs to have a talk about whether this was safe to do or not. I woke up Friday morning not feeling as good as previous days I had the worst sleep in my life and put my headache, sore eyes, and overal tiredness feeling down to the fact I barely slept.
All was going well in the doctors checked babies heart beats, my weight and went to check my blood pressure which was ok but asked how I been feeling. I explained that I felt quite exhausted and only walked from car park to doctors and felt rather breathless. The doctor then said that my heart beat was really fast and if I had any heart pulpertations (mind my spelling) yes i told her that sometimes I felt like my heart was going extreme and was about to pump out of my chest (I just told myself that this was pregnancy symptom) she said she would like to do an ECG to check how my heart was. I thought this my routine so went and did it, after I got this done I was back in the docs room and she said she was quite concerned with my heart rythyms and she was writing me a letter to get checked at the hospital. She said to go to the emergency part and hand over the letter.
I still was thinking I not feeling that bad surely I will be ok, I rang Kane to let him know that I had to go back to hos and he said he will met me their. Unfortuntly with having no family here I had to drive in, not sure if I should have or not but got their safely.
As I got to the counter I thought o great prob have hours wait before I get seen. But no they read my doc's letter and straight away we were in the ED and I was getting hooked up to all sorts of machines. Lots of docs were coming and asking lots of questions, about my breathlesness and my heart palpitations. I explained everything that I noticed them around a week ago and becoming more frequent although I thought it went with the pregnancy. I was now beginning to panic and almost of the verge of tears seeing how serious this could be, they were telling me about a radiation test I would have to undergo after they did bloods, my test came back high so was sent for the scan to check my lungs for clots. My heart rate was around 130 when I went into the hosptial and was sitting around the 110-120 mark not going down at all. Getting the scan was scary, I had to inhale this gas and then got put on this board which moved me in a huge machine and took photos of my lungs. They then put something through my drip and then put the machine on again prob went for about an 1hour and my back was aching from lying flat. I was still hooked up to my machine checking heart rate and blood pressure also hooked up to a defibulator. After the test they were able to tell me that my lungs looked fine and that their was no clots spotted. Pheww I was so happy as that idea freaked me out! Heading back to ED to find out what was going to happen from here on in. I was hoping that I could go home although Kane said he doubted his highly and wanted to know what was going on. As it was friday and round 6pm lots of the staff had gone home for the night, they wanted to do a heart scan to see how it was functioning however the specialist had gone home. The doc came in and said there are some things that worried him, about my case and that I was gonna need to stay a night or a couple for observation. I was a little devastated but I knew it was the best thing to do for me and the babies.
I got to my ward and I was so tired, Kane was exhausted as well by this stage was close to 10, he went home and I settled into my new short term bed. Having the drip in my arm and the hosptial bed I was very uncomfy and think that night I got about 4 hours sleep.
Saturday morning came along and Kane arrived just before the docs to check how I was going (was also getting my obs done every 3-4 hours) my heart rate was still high and they agreed that I need the heart scan as I was stable, they told me it would be done on Monday... I knew I wasnt getting out of here til after the weekend. I was in a room with 3 others. An older deaf lady and an older man who when talking to each were pretty much yelling she was up from 6am making a racket!! They were quite funny and the other lady was around 50 and quite nice. I still felt tired and wished my heart would slow down! Kane stayed with me the whole day and even took me outside for a trip in the wheelchair, was nice to get some fresh air and be out of the room. I was able to get my drip out as I didnt need any medication via it and Kane had brought in my pillow I hoped that I would sleep decent tonight as my body was just exhausted still and I did, still getting woken up to do blood pressure etc was a pain and the trips to the toilet and the old woman talking very loud throughout the night I slept pretty good. Well as good as possible. I wanted to be back in my own bed more than anything.. Sunday was pretty much the same I felt like I had a bit more energy so today I felt like walking down to the food court so Kane could get lunch, my room mates, the deaf older lady was discharged this morning so left me with the other lady (Ann-marie)and the eldery man (Robbie), they had said they would like to go for a walk as well, Robbie was able to walk and Ann was in a wheel chair that Kane offered to push. They were stoked when Kane would visit especially Robbie who had given us his life story 2x. But they were nice and made the days go quicker. When we got back the midwife was coming to check the babies, she came prepared with 3 dopplers to get all the babies heart beats and after some trial and error we heard all 3 strong heart beats going for it! Always makes me feel at ease, Robbie also thanked me for being able to hear them he thought it was amazing and felt very privledged to be able to hear them.
Monday morning came around and I was overly eager to get the test done and get out of there! They came and got me and took me around to the cardio area, after about 45 minutes it was done and I just wanted the results. Heading back the room, I told Kane that we should pack up all my stuff so we can get out of there. The obstritcian came around to check me also and the babies ask me some more questions and said that my blood tests came back very low iron and to start taking them immediately. It wasnt long before my doc came to see me they had the report and my heart functions were normal just working a lot harder and faster. They put this down to carrying triplets and it putting stress on my body and especially my heart. I was glad to hear this as I was going to be ok just need to take it very very easy. I was so eager we got the gears and headed home... At last :)

The trip home however I started to feel a little sick and with the wind on my face I hoped the traffic would speed up. Getting home I was exhausted straight to bed as Kane went and done the groceries, he came home and I hadnt moved, I didnt feel that great but was so glad to be home. He made devilled sausages for dinner, I wasnt to hungry but ate some and went back to bed, lying in bed my tummy started to churn. I was then up out of bed and just made it to the bathroom where i started projectile vomiting :( it was horrible I had no control, and this caused my heart to race more and made the breathlesness quite bad. Just as i had finished vomiting I then got a bleeding nose. I was a little worried if I should be at home and so was Kane saying to me you were to quick to leave. I told him Id see how I was going tomorrow. I woke up in the morning feeling ok just now have a hint of the flu (runny nose and very blocked up). Lets hope the rest of week 23 is a lot better than the start!! Looking forward to the growth scan on Thursday :)

Photos included of my time at the hosptial..

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Photo Shoot + My biggest fear - Week 22

Since finding out we are having triplets both Kane and myself are 95% sure that we will not be having anymore children as this is more than enough :) So I wanted to go all out as this is quite possibly my only pregnancy. I had seen some maternity photo shoots and really liked the idea of it, after talking to Kane we both decided it would be nice to have some photos to show the triplets when they got older and to have them as keepsakes.

So we had booked in weeks ago to have a photo shoot on the beach, I was hoping my tummy would be of good size but didnt want to leave it much longer as I could become bed ridden or hospitalised. I was a little nervous about the photo shoot as my skin is still terrible and Kane often jokes to me "When do you get that glow?" his sense of humour can make me laugh as I know he is kidding but other times I snap back saying "You try carry three babies and see what you look like!!" He now tells me I use that line to much of saying to him in different ways that I am carrying three babies for him (but I am going to contiune to use it as long as I am carrying the three babies as it is not all beautiful and natural like they advertise).

Getting ready for the photo shoot was interesting, since being pregnant I have kind of left the makeup in the draw and not worried about what I look like, today applying makeup I had almost forgot what it was like.. Once my makeup was done I felt great, wow this foundation has great coverage I thought to myself. Kane had made it quite clear he didnt want to many corney photos like kissing the belly etc and I assurred him that we didnt have to do it. Once the photo shoot began we were both so excited a little bit of rain and wind but otherwise was good, a few poses in and the photographer asks Kane to kneel in and kiss the belly I almost wet myself! Kane looking at my belly trying to be serious and I can see his facials made me crack up, some how I doubt that, that photo will make the cut. Was a great afternoon and some great laughs... I can't wait to see all of the photos!! We were lucky enough to get a sneak peak of the shoot and I will include a couple of the pics that we love :)

It was a long weekend and apart from the photo shoot we really stayed at home and relaxed getting ready for another week of work. I kept telling myself only 3 weeks left till I go on maternity leave and can start resting lots more. However this was about to change after my biggest fear came true.
Tuesday morning started off not to well with having a massive power chuck after breakie, always leaves my back a little tender and me feeling a little more tired than usual. But off to work to what was meant to be a good day the start of a short week. All was well until lunch and I had to pop over the road to get some food for lunch. Acacia (work mate) came along with me and about half way there I went to cross the road as I stepped out onto the curb of the road my foot rolled on the gutter and before I knew it I was smack down on the concrete! I must of yelled or made some noise Acacia was right beside me asking me if I was ok and if I got my belly. Also a bus driver came out to check how I was and if he needed to call for an ambulance. I insisted I was ok and they both helped me over to the bus stand where I could sit. I was instantly in shock and the worry was surrounding me if I had hurt my babies!! It was horrible I was so upset and my body felt numb.. Acacia rang my boss and within a minute came and picked me up and took me back to work. I rang Kane and I was worried to tell him, once I explained to him what had happen he too was worried and thought I better get a check out. I knew the angle I fell on that my knees and one of my arms took the fall but I also knew by belly did get some of the impact. After calling the doc they told me to call the hosptial straight away and see what they suggest. I did this and they asked me to come in asap to get a check and to scan the babies to make sure they are a ok. I had felt slight movments on one side of my belly but with three babies it is always hard to tell who is moving. The hosptial was great once again, they got me and tried to get heart beats through the hand held doppler but were unable to know if it was 3 seperate babies heartbeats so I got moved to a new area so that the senior doc could do an ultrasound to find three heart beats. I was very lucky to have my assistant with me Tamika, she drove me in and stayed with my in the hospital. Once they confirmed for me that there are still 3 strong heart beats and did the checks for me said I was able to leave. Before I left they had a discussion about me working, I was to be on strict bed rest for the rest of the week to ensure that I dont go into pre-term labour and that they suggested I also finish work now so that I dont endanger the babies anymore. I felt a little annoyed at myself for tripping, as I was coping ok. They said to take it as wake up call and that I really need to start resting and fattening the 3 up for when they arrive. So I took their opinion on board and explained to my boss what they had said and heading to the doctor tomorrow to get their opinion on if it is time for me to finish up work ... Eeeeek!! I know the doctors are there to look after us so I had always said I'll go with what the docs say. It may look like we might be down to one wage earlier than expected :(

Luckily we have been so organised with our supplies and almost have everything organised for the when the trio arrives. Our nappy stack is almost touching the roof (ill include a photo) but other than that only need to get a few more bits and pieces :)

Photos included this week: bump progress photo, some professional photos, nappy stack

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Visitor Time - Week 21

This was the week we had been waiting for, for what seemed ages although with time moving so swiftly it came around before we knew it. Not pregnancy related but we were getting visitors!! Kane's parents (Jackie and Maurice) were arriving for a long weekend to spend with us. The trip was planned well before finding out we were pregnant although seemed so exciting to be able to see them and spend some time during the pregnancy. Being away from all our family has been a lot harder since being pregnant especailly with the morning sickness I was experiencing all I wanted sometimes was to be back at home and Mum cooking me dinner. Kane had planned a well thought out itineray including a trip to underwater world, gold class at the movies, staying on the gold coast, maurice had a birthday surprise of driving a V8 car, Jackie and I to do some shopping and dracula's!! For most of the pregnancy our weekends included gathering supplies or spending time at home watching movies we hadnt really been far so we were both looking forward to getting out and doing some fun things. With my constant back pain Kane was a little worried as to how I would manage the big days although I assured him I would be fine, he asked me several time if I needed a wheelchair and of course I said NO WAY, I knew that I would cope well at the least I hoped that I could.

Day 1 we were up ready to go to underwater world, I had to take some pain killers as my hips were a bit sore and I didnt want it to affect the day. Once I had done this I came right. We had so much fun here looking at all the animals and the highlight was definitly the seal show all of couldnt believe how clever they were. That night we told Jackie and Maurice that we were heading out to dinner, little did they know there was twist dinner was to served during watching Hangover 3 at the movies (gold class)!! To have the comfort of being in a arm chair and getting dinner and desert served to you while watching a great movie you really cant beat it.
The next day we headed up the coast to do some shopping at harbour town while Maurice did his drive .. Got some awesome buys mostly for the babies of course I think that they are a little spoilt!! Especially Kane getting all of the basketball gears and latest shoes for the kids. We got to our motel and checked in, we were in the penthouse (top floor) and it was lovely! Massive rooms and a great view! We were also only a block away from Dracuala's which would be great for getting there. Kane again was worried about me walking the short distance but I assured him again that I would be fine :) I was dealing with a little bit of pain but thought once we got there it would be ok. Waiting in the line to get in for over 30 mins was the killer I felt like my legs and feet could drop off! Once we were in and seated we had great seats I was very happy and thought it would be better sitting. The show was great and time went fast but around half way through I was really starting to struggle with the pain, my feet and ankles had swollen up and I was generally ready to go but I made it to the end and after the short walk home and lying down felt so much better! We hadnt planned to much for the next day and was a chance to relax and put my feet up a little bit.
The whole trip was so memoriable had lots of laughs and some great experiences to remember, we were very sad to see them go but we knew that was just part of living away.

I had pretty much tackled the morning sickness I had started to ween myself of the antinausea and this week was successful, the first time wasnt so much as the vomiting returned. But I was glad that my habit of taking the pills was over for the most part. I was still vomiting approx once a week but didnt need any tablets to get me by.

Another special moment for myself and Kane was that he finally got to feel one of the babies having a kick around, I had felt them for a few weeks now and Kane had been trying but they are all very cheeky. Tonight they were going for gold and Kane got to experience it with me :)

Photos this week: bump progress photo and some snaps from the weekend

 Myself, Kane & Maurice at Redcliffe
 Maurice, Jackie and Kane at Underwater World
 Jackie and myself at Gold Class relaxing
View from the balcony of our motel in the Gold Coast

Sunday, 9 June 2013

All most sorted - Week 20

As the weeks progress we know we are getting closer to me having to finish work, I am planning on working til 25 weeks (my decision fully, if Kane had his way I was to be finishing at 22 I just knew the boredom would drive me crazy) although if I was told by the doctors or hosptial that I need to finish I would then stop. Going onto one income for any family has it stresses, we are lucky enough that we will be comfortable enough for me to finish without too many stresses obvisouly no more shopping trips but with our savings we have been preparing since we found out should be able to manage. So with still having two pay's we have been trying to get everything sorted we now have a massive stash of nappies!! Approx 700+ it is always hard to work out how many you will need but with ours being prem i'm thinking that they will get used up faster than we think.. We have also paid of our layby of the basinetts and car seats and a huge cost out of the way, it was hard to fit all in the car and the back seat and boot were chocca (pic included at the end).
Every time we go to pay the layby the ladies always remember us and ask for update on the 3 little ones, today a lady behind me in the cue asked me how far along I was, I said 20 weeks and she looked puzzled, im 32 and about the same size. Once I explained that I was carrying triplets she was stunned to say the least but so excited for us. She told that I had made her day and how amazing it would be to have 3 babies! I love when we get these positive comments as sometimes people can be rather rude about the triplets and often remind us of how hard it will be and how sorry they are for us. We believe each of our babies is a blessing and we know it will be hard which I am sure it will be for any other first time families but we both are as excited and amped for the challenge ahead!

I was really taking advantage of my early finishes now being home by 4 was great I would set up camp on the couch switch on the telly and literally lie there until Kane arrived home, was so nice to relax and try and work on the back pain and the cramping I was getting more regularly. Also as soon as I relaxed or laid down the babies thought it was their turn to play, kicking and moving around I didnt mind as I knew that at least they were growing and getting stronger.

We were also very excited as at the end of the week Kane's parents were arriving into Brisbane to spend the weekend with us. Kane had planned a funfilled weekend that I hoped I was up for as some days just getting showered and ready wore me out.

Photos this week: bump progress photo and a packed out car :)

Saturday, 8 June 2013

The 'BIG' scan - Week 19

Time seems to be just flying by, I'm not sure if its the constant appointments or just that it seems like im growing like no tomorrow but I cannot believe there might be only round 15 weeks remaining for me to carry my three little bubs. I was now feeling so many movements its crazy they are still quite faint but getting stronger and stronger. I could just feel them if I had my hand rested on my stomach but unfortunatly they are very shy for their daddy as the kicking stops as soon as his hand approaches.

Again the nerves arrives the night before our Morphology scan, the same worries every time I have a scan appear. I was also eager to find out what the other sex was of the surprise that had its legs crossed. Kane had taken the morning off work to attend with me and we were just hoping like crazy that the babies were still going strong and growing well.
They had to check each baby at a time but still told us at the start that there were three beating hearts which always puts a massive smile on my face. The detailing in these scans are amazing, we can now clearly see our babies and make out what they are getting up to. Checking the heart functions, brain, stomach, bladder, arms and legs, fingers and toes and facial structure was a long task for the sonographer as they had to do it for each baby. Was a relief for us to hear that after every baby she would give us feedback on how their growth was and for all of our babies they were growing perfectly. They were quite amazed with how they are all very healthy and all growing to their date. I was over the moon and so was Kane to hear that everything was going as well as could be.
We had heard a bit of a horror story a couple of days before the scan about a lady miscarring triplets due to her cervix shortening and unable to hold the three babies. So Kane was asking lots of questions throughout the scan and we were both glad to hear that my cervix hadnt changed from my last scan 16weeks so we are just hoping that it can stay that way to at the least 28 weeks. As she was going over the sexes she asked if we knew already I told her that we knew Baby A is a girl and Baby C a boy, and if we could find out what sex Baby B was. She confirmed our thoughts for us that it to was another girl so we would be having two girls and one boy.... Until she commented I think they made a mistake with the sex of Baby C, Kane's face had dropped and I too was thinking 3 girls!!! Kane said "3 girls??" and she said what sex did they tell you I said Baby C we were told was a BOY!! Oh no thats right I thought you said they were both girls. So Kanes smile had reappeared and he said rather loud "Thank GOD!"

Back to the shops in the weekend to do some more shopping, now two lots of girls gears and one lot for the wee man! Our collection was growing and I wondered how much stuff you need, if we were having one I think we would have over done it, kind of lucky we get three!
We also had a meeting in the park with other triplet families in the brisbane area, I was so nervous before we went I had never actually seen triplets before and to met them and talk to them about their stories I was thinking this is going to make it sink in for sure.
The other triplet families just look normal in the sense that the had a pram babies, and gears as do singletons although once they were out exploring it was the moment to find out what it like ... So amazing to see so many sets of triplets and the advice from all the families was valuable. Many asked Kane how he was feeling about the whole thing and he was positive like always and they just told him it is a great way to be an involved father and play a very important part.

Photos this week, scan photos of each baby, bump progress photo and a compare photo of one weeks growth...

 Triplet A - Girl
Triplet B - girl

Triplet C - boy

Rude awakening - Week 18

Finally I was getting some more relief from the vomiting and nausea, with only needing to throw up once or twice a week :) I had been a lot more positive about everything since I was beginning to feel okay. It was my last week of work full time before I was cutting back to 9-3.30pm to help ease the tiredness and pain from my back and legs. Some days I thought this is going well now its not to difficult and then other moments I would almost be in tears from my back pain and the strain of carrying my three little babies. I was just hoping with the hours decreasing next week that I might get some more relief.

Although they say in your second trimester you have lots of energy, I was finding my energy levels were decreasing dramatically, after finishing work I would come home eat tea and literally drag my butt to bed, I was just exhausted. I had been having slight troubles through the night with my frequent toilet visits, but now with the back pain I was waking another 3-5 times with cramp in my bum right down my legs :( It brought me to tears when I would wake and unfortunatly there is nothing they can really do for cramp. So waking up hourly was beginning to become a habit I wasnt welcoming at all (I know they say that it is preparing you for the sleep cycle you are about to embrace but please I was thinking Im not even 20 weeks!!).

I was looking forward to week 19 as we were booked for our big scan to check all the functions of the babies to determine how their growth was coming along and hopefully to find out what our little surprise was.

Photos this week: bump progress photo and a month by month comparison photo