The big move was approaching quickly and once our mums arrived it was real. It was our last week in Aussie, mixed emotions I was glad to be heading home but there was so many amazing memories Kane and I had, had over the two years we lived there and many things I would miss (especially the weather!).
Our mums did the best job of making the house look like new which helped as cleaning had been a struggle with three babies. Each day the house was looking more empty and the nerves were settling in, how on earth is this move going to go.
At the airport we had 5 large bags/suitcases, 3 car seats, 1 very large triplet pram, a backpack, a babybag, handbags and three very cute little people. We said our goodbyes to Kane as he was staying on a week longer to finalise everything. It felt so weird leaving for the last time, but as we were kept busy it was hard to actually think to much about it. amazingly going through customs, immigration and boarding the plane went fairly well no hiccups and all the staff were great at helping. on the plane we fed the babies and then they just cuddled in as we set off. Around half way back a few tears and cranky moments but overall no one would have known there was 3 babies on the plane. Getting back into Dunedin however was a different story it was a long day they had missed there last feed and Dunedin is bloody slow and frustrating. We were welcomed with family which was so lovely but with three screaming babies it was not fun at all. I couldn't think, so much to do and was pretty overwhelmed.
The next week I spent and my Mum and Dads while starting to set up the house to make it nice and homely. The change of time, climate, no Kane resulted in three unsettled, non sleeping babies. I could say Kane is like my backbone and without him I actually felt lost, I think also the babies missed him as well. We were so glad to have him back and then once we settled into our home the babies got more in sync and started sleeping a bit better but the biggest relief was Kane didn't start work for 4 weeks so we had time to relax and properly settle back into life in NZ. (and the cold weather)
Babies first Christmas was more exciting for us as they just thought it was another day, and to say that they got spoilt is an understatement. But was nice to be able to spend it with our family and friends. We even managed a day trip to Cromwell with the babies and spent some time at Kane's family crib, so was a great break but like all holidays they soon come to an end and 4 weeks went surprisingly quick.
I don't know who was more nervous for Kane to start his new job, we were going great babies were now 5 months old and cheekier than ever and I was doubting myself and if I would cope going back to being on my own. The first couple of days into it and I almost felt incapable and was in tears when Kane would get home and be utterly exhausted but with some help and support I managed to keep going and the each day looked a bit better and as time went on we got into a new routine and they got used to Dad being away through the day.
The babies were now a lot more fun and starting to really show their individual personalities. Esmae the first born is the boss, of her siblings and her parents she will let you know in a hurry if she is not happy but she loves cuddles and her smile is just so infectious. Little Miss Indigo is content and most of the time very placid although behind closed doors can really make a scene, she is instantly lovable with her quiet nature and cute smiles. Last but not least is Mr Miller the cheeky wee devil who has both his parents under his little finger, he is super cute and very serious, although once he warms to people the smiles are endless! From the move back and added stress I had stopped producing as much milk and the babies started to get a little frustrated so after 5 months of exclusively breastfeed we introduced a bottle a day of formula, Indi didn't go to well on it so she just stuck to the breastfeeding. I was proud to make it that long but happy to give them formula as they were growing so quickly and needed more fuel. We were also started to look into solids. How quick do these little people grow!
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