Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Big decisions - November

For anyone with children that live away from their family will know its hard. We had always discussed going back to NZ after a few years but once the bubs came we knew we had to make a decision, we were finding it hard without that family support. We really enjoyed living in Brisbane and for almost being there 2 years we felt settled, but we decided to make the decision to move home to be closer to our family and friends. Once decided Kane looked for work, we struck it lucky as after applying for a couple one came back and had a Skype interview, I am a big believer in what is meant to be will be so we just hoped for the best outcome. The following week Kane said to me they want him to go home for  an interview so off Kane flew home on a early sunday morning and came home the Monday night. I however was on my own not only through the day but for 2 whole days. The babies must have known I was on my own as they behaved pretty well. Lets just say thank goodness for pizza and grocery delivery. 

The night sleeps were starting to stretch out to round 5 hours now and getting longer each week. we couldn't believe it starting to get more sleep makes you feel like a new person. (Looking back now I actually think i got more sleep when they were younger!)

Esmae, Indi and Miller were really starting to blossom already 3 months old, smiles were now a frequent thing which was just priceless makes everything worth it when you see the innocence of a baby's smile. They were focussing a lot more of toys, books and faces. Really starting to know who  we were and even become a bit cheeky for attention. Witching hour had also set in, from 6pm onwards the house was like screaming nightmare. Not sure what it was but nothing would settle them and usually they set each other off. Bath nights which we did every 2-3 were chaos, but most of the time they enjoyed it.

Kane got the job so we were going home, now to move countries with 3 4 month olds, HELP! Luckily both our mums offered to help so they were arriving Dec to help pack and clean and take the babies back to NZ. Once the decision was finalised it was like a relief the babies would grow up where we did and be around all their family.

Life as we know it - October

Things were in full swing, we were getting used to our new babies, new life and new way of doing things. With Kane back to work I was at home with the babies, the first few days freaked me out, how will I cope, how will I do it and many other questions but I guess I knew I had too as there wasn't any other options. Day to day we had a routine in place, babies were still on 3hr feeds and started to extend over night to almost 3.5-4hours  (sometimes). Because they were still so small they did sleep a lot, so with them feeding at the same time (double breastfeed and one bottle expressed milk) was about to do this on my own taking around 45mins -1 hour all going well, so if they went back to sleep i got around 1-1.5 hours to clean, cook, express, eat or rest. Esmae unfortunately got reflux which wasn't fun at all. My memory around this time is a bit hazy but one thing I do clearly remember is her vomiting/power chucking everywhere at least 2-3 times daily and usually over me and her siblings. It wasn't fun at the time we kept thinking surely it cant last forever, and sure enough eventually it faded.

I was still managing to fully breastfeed, expressing still 2-3 times a day on top of breastfeeding at least 2 each feed. Its fair to say I felt like a milking machine. I had to eat so much as I constantly felt hungry, I  didn't mind. Not one bit. I had a lot of people comment and ask why I was so determined to breastfeed all my babies. I think for me it came down to the fact if I gave birth to one baby I would have been as committed to feeding them, so I felt with them being so early it was the best thing I could do for them and I was just gifted with lots of milk so maybe it all worked out for a reason.

The babies were growing and half way through the month the babies reached their full term date. It was like celebrating their first milestone. Both Kane and I were already proud of our 3 little munchkins and every day they seemed more alert and learning so many new things. We still tried to get put a bit to the shops or walks, for us triplets was the norm and for so many other people they are not. So much attention, so many questions, some people are lovely and we don't mind talking to them and others can be rather rude. I think its a case of if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all. But we were proud parents so we don't let it get to us. I think I also need to make a fact sheet for people to hand out so I don't have to repeat myself all the time. Haha.