Saturday, 27 July 2013

The main goal - Week 28

Making 28 weeks meant the world to myself and Kane and on the eve of turning over I was hopeful to make it to the next goal of 30 weeks. However my body had other ideas for me, the doctors had made it very clear to me that any changes, pain, cramps etc I had to buzz straight away for the doctors to decide what was going on. I was so happy about making it to 28 weeks after Kane left I wrote a few notes in my diary about feeling positive. When I settled into sleep I started getting a couple of Braxton hicks, this wasn't unusual as I have these most nights, as I wait for these to pass I start noticing one with some pain. I remember what my doc had said so I buzz for the midwife. Thinking it was a once off I thought I would be back to sleep with no time. As the midwife assessed me I started getting more contractions with pain. The doctor said to get me down to birth suite asap and the nurse told me to call my partner. I was happening so fast as I called Kane and woke him I was feeling nervous. I got down to birth suite and Kane arrived not long after, the contraction were getting stronger and closer together beginning to take my breathe away. They had to do another internal and I was round 2cm dilated now, everything was happening so fast they then put 2 cannulas (not sure how it is spelt) one for fluid and the other for magnesium sulphate (this is to help stop labour progression and assist with the babies brain development to lower chances of brain bleeds and cerebral palsy in babies less than 30weeks). I was then given a jab of morphine to help with the pain and to relax my uterus from contracting, followed by nefediphine (to stop pre-term labour). The doctors said there main goal was to get me through to day light hours if they could so were trying everything to stop it. It was incredibly stressful and sore and scary!!! The babies were constantly monitored to ensure they weren't going into fetal distress and then I had to get a catheter put in from being on the magnesium your urine needs to be monitored and they didn't want me standing up as the pressure could be too much. I was so uncomfortable and just hoped that all the drugs would work. Trying to sleep was proving rather difficult, I was exhausted and my obs were check every 30min or so it felt. I was lucky that I got a lovely midwife who had to sit with us the whole night. After the long and antagonising night the doctor came in the morning with the drugs they had managed to calm down the contractions so after another check I hadn't dilated any further!! I had to spend the whole day still in birth suite as the drip had to go through for around 24 hours for it to be as effective as they hope. I just slept off and on and was very glad to go back up to my room that night, even though they still had to check my obs every few hours it was at least in the comfort of what was my room.

The next few days I felt a lot of pressure when standing and could tell that my ever expanding stomach was growing more and more now. Everyday the doctors saw me told me how well I was doing to hold on and to keep it up. They also were reminding me that it could be any time soon and the chances of making the next week or 30 weeks were getting slim. I was still hanging in hope we would make it a little longer.

I was sent for another scan on Wednesday and I was nervous about the babies, I just hoped they were still doing well I wasn't planned for a growth check but after being in preterm labour I think they had to prepare a little more so they checked that also. The babies were doing great in their weights which made me feel very happy, Baby A was 2lb 9oz, Baby B was 2lb 8oz and the boy Baby C was 2lb 11oz :) all good sizes and for being triplets they were very happy! the blood flow through the cord of Baby B and C were not as good but as they had such good growth so they were not concerned. I phoned Kane he was so happy that all his babies were growing well and especially his wee boy :)

That night I felt good and positive knowing that the babies were doing so well, I went to sleep only to be woken at 3am with some pain. I was half asleep and wasn't sure what was happening, I laid down for the next 3o drifting to sleep and then waking, I noticed the pains weren't easing and feeling a little regular. I buzz the midwife who comes to check and does my obs, which are all good. She sits besides me to feels my tummy for the next 10-15 mins. Another midwife comes to check and they say contact the docs shes having 4 contractions in ten min. I phone Kane again by now its closer to 4am warning him Im back in labour.. by the time I get down to birth suite they had increased in intensity and after an internal they think im 3cm dilated ... Is this is? Im thinking again...
They give me a dose of endo which is just a form of morphine to try and settle things out and wait to see what will happen. They were getting a lot stronger and more painful although the time apart was getting further. About 9am they had started easing and then after 10 they completely stopped. Another false alarm, I was thinking yah I can get a little further along although I knew I was on a short time frame. I got to go to my room after lunch as nothing had happening, It was great to get to my bed again. The next day the docs were surprised I was still sitting there pregnant I think the babies are playing head games with the docs as they stress a little knowing im on such a thin line. They told me being 3cm dilated and with the pressure of 3 babies Im doing really well and everyday from here out is a bonus. I knew Id make 29 weeks just hoped I could make the date ive always thought Id have them which is the 2nd of August, ive now made a countdown of each day as I know these babies will be here before we know it. Lets hope they take a back seat for me, I can tell they are a lot bigger as the movements are strong and forceful and my bump is constantly on the move. Kane now gets grossed out by their wriggling under his hands.

Well Ive made it to the end of week 28, lets hope there are a few more days before the babies arrive. I am now very very very uncomfortable, every movement, standing, eating and sleeping is proving rather difficult and the pressure I feel from my bump is incredible. Lucky these babies are loved so much as otherwise you would just want to give up.

Photos bump progress a couple when im in birth suite
 Midwife trying to find babies heart beats
 checking the babies heart beats hard to find them all at once
 28 weeks
selfie - 28 weeks

Saturday, 20 July 2013

The good, the bad and the ugly - Week 27

Well we were into another week, and after being here a long time I was beginning to get used to life here and always think about the outside world. Taking small things for granted a trip to the supermarket/shopping centre, driving in a car, sitting on the couch etc were all things I missed since being tucked up in here. I was still feeling pretty comfortable most of the times, although sleeping at night was still proving to be a little difficult. It was also nice for Kane to have some time out with his friends in the weekend getting to dreamworld for a day of fun and laughs, I was glad he was able to go because I often feel slightly guilty for him spending all his spare time in here. (I know that if he was in the same position I would do the same). He doesn't really complain about all the time he spends in here and even before work he dropped of goodies I had requested from the supermarket :)

My days were still the same and I knew that this would be the case for the next few weeks or when the babies decide to arrive. I am very positive of making it til 32 weeks or close to that I just hope my body and the babies can agree on that as well. I thought I might not be getting scanned this week as last week they said it was all so good they only recommended one in another two weeks, my doctor however said they want to see the weekly progress so booked me in again for thursday, I was confident that things would still be the same. Talking to Kane at night I said to him I'll be here til 34 weeks I can see it now spending over 10 weeks in hospital, he said dont get ahead of yourself thats still 6 1/2 weeks away. Time was still going rather quick and 27 weeks marked the beginning of the third and final trimester of pregnancy (eeeeeeeeeeek)!

My diabetes was still be closely monitored and was doing well to maintain it without the need for insulin, some doctors would say I'll be on insulin within a day or two and then they reconsider, so id like it to be like that as long as possible as I already have to thighs covered in bruises from my other injections. I was given another dose of steriods to boost the development of the babies lungs and this one hurt more than ever today. With steriods comes high sugar levels so I had to be even more mindful of this. For people that no me I really struggle with the little amount of treats im allowed :( especially when Im hungry 24/7.
My dietican is happy with me or so it seems, still putting on weight consistnly and Ive just hit the 15KG weight gain. I thought by this stage through I would have put on a lot more and by 34 weeks they would have expected me to put on 25, so not sure how I would manage putting on 10KG in 7 weeks although with these babies growing anything is possible :)

My stomach is now huge!! I can hardly bend down and I can see it growing more round by the day. Also with the growth comes stretch marks and lots of them, they are starting to get thicker and redder by the day (sorry for the indepth description - you will see this in photos to come)... I expected these although still get a fright when I see my reflection in the mirror, as does Kane. As long as I can grow these babies as big as I can I would be happy with any amount of stretch marks as i'm sure 99% of the time they will be worth it. 1% when ive had no sleep and three screaming babies.... (trying to be realistic)

Kane and I had talked about getting out and going on a wee outing/date this weekend, just had to confirm with doctors that I can get out and not overdo it while Im not in hospital. They told me I could which was so exciting I txt Kane straight away to inform him that we could go out on Saturday!! Was looking forward to a gourmet burger and fries :)

That night I had a few more tightenings and hadnt felt the babies move as much, a little bit of cramping and felt very tired. I got the nurse to come in and did my obs she checked tghe babies and they were all ok and started to move a lot more, think the tiredness had just got to me a little. The scan day had came around oh so fast and I was fairly confident my cervix would be still stable. As the scan started I always lie in suspence, as she looked at the screen she started asking some questions, have u had many tightenings and/or pains recently.. I explained yesterday and she said ohh yes, Is something wrong I asked? Not wrong just not as good as we hoped. Your cervix is showing it has completly shortened well measuring about 0.7 of 1mm. I Knew this wasnt good and she said I was needed to be seen by a doctor ASAP... Heading back the room I felt really calm, I had to call Kane and explain to him and then get a visit from my doctors. Kane was pretty calm about it to and wanted to find out what the doctors had to say so I had to call him back after they had visited. My doctors explained what the scan report had said and that they need to do an internal to find out what is going on. There findings were my cervix was full effaced (think thats the term they used?) and I was dilated 1cm... with buldging membranes. Then they went to say strict bedrest for the rest of the day and only 1 or 2 laps around the ward from now on.

The doctors came around the next morning and I confirmed what I knew no trip for me this weekend unfortunatly I was to remain close as labour is just around the corner and they said they need to act fast when it happens. Talking to Kane he believes our wee trio are coming within the week however I am being positive that they will get closer to the 30week mark. The doctors are now watching me very closly and the peds, NICU and other people involved have been made aware of my progression towards the babies coming. Time will tell what these babies have in mind, although I am not ready for them to take that journey into our world just yet... Have a scan early next week so may know more then. The nurses organised myself and Kane to have a visit down to the NICU area (intensive care for babies) we got a tour and explained what will happen in detail when our babies arrive. They will be in seperate rooms as they are triplets they are going to be high needs and need the extra attention of staff until they all stabulise. Was quite scary seeing all the machines in action and the many babies that are in the care at the moment. Although for both Kane and I we dont think it will hit us until it is our babies in the machines with all the tubes. I know that is staffed exceptionally well and they will be in the best care. I just hope all babies do well and cant wait til the moment I can hold one or all three of my babies!! Times getting closer and although I am very excited to met them I want them as big and as strong as possible.

Photos this week.... some included from week 26 :)
 one weeks growth from 26 to 27 weeks
 kane measured to see how thick my cervix was...
 bump update 26 weeks
 braxton hicks getting a little stronger
27 week bump photo

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Cabin fever + growth scan - Week 26

Time is ticking away and with that I get some relief as I know the babies are growing and developing. With making adjustments from having diabetes I was trying to manage my new food intake. Although I was doing well with my sugar levels I still was closely watched as carrying triplets my insulin needs can change and I need to be prepared for what might happen. The doctors who visited me daily were pleased with all my obs they were very stable, also talked about my c-section, they told me until I get to 30 weeks they won't make a date for it as high chance I will need an emergency one once I go into labour. I also had to sign my c section forms so they have them on record. I have known from round 12 weeks that this is how the babies will be delivered but the whole thought makes it so real. I think I am a bit nieve about things sometimes like that it would be crazy for me to have these babies any time soon however I think that medical team are trying to prepare me, the ped doctor came to talk with me about preterm babies which to them is being born prior to 35 weeks gestation. She was very professional and upfront about statistics of babies born at my length of pregnancy, 2 out of 10 babies born at 26 weeks don't make it compared to 4 out of a 100 at 28 weeks. Also prior to 32 weeks there can be significant eye problems, brain bleeds and breathing troubles. I was pretty taken by this information and even though I feel like I've come so far 28 is the biggest goal we need to achieve. I am positive that I will be able to get past this date I'm just hoping my body agrees. Also on Sunday ill be 27 weeks this is the start of my third trimester maybe this will be the one that is kind to me. 

Magazines, tv series, Facebook and game applications help me fill in my days, the meals are now getting repetitive and I often talk about all the food I would love to eat (some of the food items I'd love is real pasta, pad Thai, pizza, nachoes, chicken pie and lots others). Visiting my neighbor also helps fill in my day, I've now spent 3 weeks in the maternity ward and time is going by quicker than I thought I still know that I'm here for up to another 7 weeks and with each day being rather similar I'm getting a little restless. 

I got another dose of steroids to help the babies prepare for the outside world, the only thing now with the steroids is it affects the way your body can process sugar levels. After my jab my reading started to go really high they did expect this but I had to be given a couple of insulin needles to help get down the levels. Which worked so they were happy. 

Well another week had gone by so was time for another scan, I was really excited to find out how big our bubbAs were and if course what my cervix was doing. I get picked up by wheel chair and get taken to the scan, while in the waiting room I was sitting beside another couple  and her sister, not talking to them I overheard them talking about multiples I think she was having twins and they obviously thought that was enough, they started saying how they had known someone who had triplets, the response was stuff that, I feel sorry for her, don't know how people cope with that etc I was a little offended by this but decided ill just sit back it's their opinion. They then went onto to find a photo of her on Facebook to show how big she got, and were saying imagine her stretch marks, would take so long to get your body back. I felt like saying to them at least with a big belly her babies are growing is that not more important but I didn't. I just rubbed my tummy why thought how lucky I was to have my 3 no matter how many stretch marks I would get and how long it would take me to get my body back. What's more important at the end of the day?? When my doctor/sonographer came to get me jokingly said oh I need 3 hands for this with a big smile. I hope they clicked and realised maybe b careful what you say around other pregnant woman. (Rant over sorry!) 

Everything looked great with the babies Baby A is head right down as far as she can go at this stage so was really hard getting her measurements, they said they tried to be as accurate but her weight maybe less than what they estimate. Close by baby B was is in a good position even got to see her cute face makes it seem so real, then up the to laying directly across my top belly under my ribs is baby C he too was posing for the camera and got a nice pic of him :) the estimated sizes of the babies are Baby A - 2 lb 2oz, Baby B - 1 lb 15oz and baby C - 2lb 1oz  = just over 6lb of baby at 26 weeks no wonder I'm huge!! Plus the three placentas fluid! As for my cervix it was stable and unchanged :) :) :) yah please get me past 28 weeks I told it!! I was so happy 3 healthy bubs growing nicely what more could a mum want.

This morning my dietician came to see me and ask about my eating and diabetes. She still thinks I need to eat more through the day and at my meals. I'm no sure how cos I already seem to feed my face :) with the babies now starting there main growth fattening up stage they said I need to fuel them. Also working with my diabetes to ensure I'm not eating to many carbs or sugar.. 

Sorry no photos this week due to my writing this on my iphone, so there maybe some sentences that don't make sense quite hard to navigate on here .

Saturday, 6 July 2013

My daily routine in hosptial :)

Just so you can get a feel for what a day is like for me being in hospital and the events that are now part of being in here..
This is if I don't have any special tests or scans  :)

6.45 - get delivered a fresh jug of water (always wakes me up)

7.10am - check my blood sugars before breakfast arrives

7.15am - breakfast arrives and menu plan for lunch, tea and next morning

7.30am/8.00am - get my morning obs done (blood pressure, temperature, heart rate, and babies heart beats)... then get my morning hepron injection in my upper thigh (blood thinner to prevent blood clots while im on bed rest)

8.15ish - Doctors Visit (check my progress feel my belly ask lots of questions)

8.30-10.00am - morning rest sometimes read or play games or have a wee sleep

9.15am - check blood sugars 2 hours after I have started to eat breakfast

10.00am - morning tea time

10.30- 1.00 - more rest time usually get up and walk around the ward see whats going on.
Get next set of obs done again by the nurse/midwife

1.00pm - lunch time

1.30-3.00 - rest time, read, relax

3.00pm - check after lunch time sugars

3.15pm - afternoon tea time

3.30-5.00 - rest time again :) :)

5.00ish - Kane arrives once he has finished work

5.45pm - tea time

6.00-7.30 - spend time with kane until he goes home

7.45pm -  check my blood sugars from dinner

8.00pm- time to get my obs done again, and my night time medication. another Hepron injection, iron, vitamin C and Metamucil ...

8.30pm- if Im still a little hungry have a late snack before settling in for the night, and usually go and visit the other lady on the ward who is also having triplets and in for the same reasons as me.

9.00pm - set up my dvd player watch some tv series

10.30pm - Sleep time

How much am I eating???

Breakfast - bowl of porridge, banana, small juice (110ml), hot option (eggs, baked beans, pancakes, omelets, or what ever else is on the menu)

morning tea time - flavoured milk, crackers and cheese/peanuts/sandwiches/fruit/yoghurt one or 2 of those things

Lunch - Soup, Hot option (fish, chicken meal, roast, omelet, many other options as well depends of the menu), sandwiches (sometimes can eat some or all of these), fruit, and small desert

afternoon tea - same as morning tea

Dinner - Hot option (can also ask for 2x the amount if im feeling really hungry :).), sandwiches, and desert which changes daily

Late snack - milo, toast, fruit or crackers etc

I eat lots and often I am always hungry the dietician says my weight gain is good so far am on around 13-14 KG since falling pregnant they are expecting me to put on around 25 KG so have to keep eating to fuel the babies!!

More tests... What next? - Week 25

Mum has now left and I'm feeling ok about being in hospital I definitely missed her daily visits and would often look to the clock around 12pm and wonder when she was coming in. However, I was looking forward to the arrival of my sister Alanah.
The doctors were still visiting me daily to check my status, and usually it was the same with minor pains and that I would experience. With my belly starting to really grow I was starting to get uncomfortable with moving and general walking etc. I was still waiting on the full effects of the iron infusion to kick in, as they told me it could take 6 days for my body to process it and accept it.
The doctors informed me I was at high risk of getting gestational diabetes and needed to be checked ASAP. I was dreading this a little as I knew that meant fasting for 12 hours eeeek how would I cope!! It was all booked in and they explained to me that I could not eat from 12 that night until after the test was finished. I set an alarm for 11.3opm so that I could get up and have some toast to try and keep me going for a little longer. The morning went slow before they came to get me in my wheelchair, and headed down for the test.
Drinking the drink wasn't too bad, went down ok and then just had to wait for hour for the first sets of bloods, then another hour and then I would be able to eat. However, 45 mins into the test I started to feel a little queasy ... I told the receptionist who informed the pathology people. I don't think they knew how bad I was feeling just told me I was close to the first bloods, at hour they came and took bloods and I told them I was still feeling really nauseous ... They got me a spew bag (although I think they thought I was just over exaggerating), not even 5 min later after trying to keep it down the whole drink came up I could not stop vomiting, I instantly felt super weak my body was tired hungry and very sore now. They stopped the test then and got a nurse, I was taken back up to my ward to recover. I felt weak for about the next 4 hours after a sleep and some food started to feel a little better. I was hoping like anything that I wouldn't need to do it again.. The docs came to check me again and explained that I would have to do the test again although they would be giving me strong anti-nausea tablets to make it through.. I was now dreading this as knew what it was like. (They were kind in giving me 2 days to recover fully before they would do the test again.)

Alanah arrived and was great to have some more company through the day, although some days did go pretty quickly and was getting myself into a wee routine. I was getting sick of the sleepless night by this stage, more and more patients some with babies were admitted into my room and I was barely getting and 1 or 2 straight sleep at night. (I will add in a daily routine later to show how my days are spent ).

Was the day of the second attempt and had another night of fasting, however this night was very disturbed and I think I got a total of 3-4 hours, I was feeling terrible, tired and cranky!! I was giving the tablet and heading down to the test. They were very good with me and knew I couldn't make the last one.. It went a lot better after the drink I never felt yuk or that and the 2 hours passed quicker than I thought.. Just have to wait for the results (crossing my fingers and toes as I was loving my treats :)..) I was still feeling really tired so trying to block out the noise I nod off to sleep, within ten minutes Im woken by the nurse, (was about to lose my cool)  when she explained to me that they have got me into my own room! I didn't care that I was woken I happily got up and packed up my bits put it on my bed and the nurse showed me to my new home! It was great my own space a door to close, ensuite :) :) and a fridge. I settled in put up some photos and got it looking more personal. After I was all settled I got picked up again for my scan, heading there I was a little nervous like usual but eager to see the progression. They didn't need to do a growth scan of the babies as they have showed good growth throughout the pregnancy they just concerned about my cervix, last week it was 19mm so i was hoping it wasn't too far off that, As they measured I watched eagerly to wait the response. They told me it was now 15mm so has decreased a little more this week. They then got me to bring my shoulders toward my belly putting pressure on it and then measured that and it was only 10mm so Its getting shorter with pressure. I asked if they think I could make it to 30 weeks and said unknown really hard to know how it will pan out, they just hoping there wont be any change for the next 2 weeks..

I get back from scan and settled back into my new room when the nurse appears to do my obs, she said they got the results back from my test and explained to me that I did have gestational diabetes :( I was so sad another thing to add to the list of things that haven't gone my way.. She explained the basics of it and said people would be in to check on my closely and guide me through it. The diabetes lady came to see me and said I had to go to a class the next day to learn more about it. They had already been taking my sugar levels but now were watching them very closely. I really don't want to be put on tablets or insulin needles, so I am hoping I can adjust my diet and it be okay.

Photos included - I will add some up from week 24 as well, and some from this week :)
 24 week bump
 25 week bump (sorry no hiding the stretch marks now)
 growth comparison in a week
 liquid iron used in the iron infusion
 getting the iron infusion
 spending time in the sun

 Me in my room :)
 trying to get some sleep, can also kind of see the heart monitor I had to wear
getting a Braxton hick (mind my spelling) makes my tummy look very weird!!