The next few days I felt a lot of pressure when standing and could tell that my ever expanding stomach was growing more and more now. Everyday the doctors saw me told me how well I was doing to hold on and to keep it up. They also were reminding me that it could be any time soon and the chances of making the next week or 30 weeks were getting slim. I was still hanging in hope we would make it a little longer.
I was sent for another scan on Wednesday and I was nervous about the babies, I just hoped they were still doing well I wasn't planned for a growth check but after being in preterm labour I think they had to prepare a little more so they checked that also. The babies were doing great in their weights which made me feel very happy, Baby A was 2lb 9oz, Baby B was 2lb 8oz and the boy Baby C was 2lb 11oz :) all good sizes and for being triplets they were very happy! the blood flow through the cord of Baby B and C were not as good but as they had such good growth so they were not concerned. I phoned Kane he was so happy that all his babies were growing well and especially his wee boy :)
That night I felt good and positive knowing that the babies were doing so well, I went to sleep only to be woken at 3am with some pain. I was half asleep and wasn't sure what was happening, I laid down for the next 3o drifting to sleep and then waking, I noticed the pains weren't easing and feeling a little regular. I buzz the midwife who comes to check and does my obs, which are all good. She sits besides me to feels my tummy for the next 10-15 mins. Another midwife comes to check and they say contact the docs shes having 4 contractions in ten min. I phone Kane again by now its closer to 4am warning him Im back in labour.. by the time I get down to birth suite they had increased in intensity and after an internal they think im 3cm dilated ... Is this is? Im thinking again...
They give me a dose of endo which is just a form of morphine to try and settle things out and wait to see what will happen. They were getting a lot stronger and more painful although the time apart was getting further. About 9am they had started easing and then after 10 they completely stopped. Another false alarm, I was thinking yah I can get a little further along although I knew I was on a short time frame. I got to go to my room after lunch as nothing had happening, It was great to get to my bed again. The next day the docs were surprised I was still sitting there pregnant I think the babies are playing head games with the docs as they stress a little knowing im on such a thin line. They told me being 3cm dilated and with the pressure of 3 babies Im doing really well and everyday from here out is a bonus. I knew Id make 29 weeks just hoped I could make the date ive always thought Id have them which is the 2nd of August, ive now made a countdown of each day as I know these babies will be here before we know it. Lets hope they take a back seat for me, I can tell they are a lot bigger as the movements are strong and forceful and my bump is constantly on the move. Kane now gets grossed out by their wriggling under his hands.
Well Ive made it to the end of week 28, lets hope there are a few more days before the babies arrive. I am now very very very uncomfortable, every movement, standing, eating and sleeping is proving rather difficult and the pressure I feel from my bump is incredible. Lucky these babies are loved so much as otherwise you would just want to give up.
Photos bump progress a couple when im in birth suite
Midwife trying to find babies heart beats
checking the babies heart beats hard to find them all at once
28 weeks
selfie - 28 weeks